Posts from 18 June 2018

Film screening in the Avé

Yopé on June 11, 2018 and Batoume the next day. It's 7:00. Tables, chairs, projection screens, video[…]

CROSS TO STIs AND PRECOCES GROSSESSES: Students called to a responsible sex life.

At the Yopé-Tsiviépé College of General Education we also had an awareness session with the students of[…]

CROSS TO STIs AND PRECOCES GROSSESSES: Apprentice seamstresses sensitized.

Aképé in the Prefecture of Ave, we were there to raise awareness among apprentice seamstresses about early[…]

An honorary distinction for NGO CRIPS Togo.

A job well done always rewards its author. Here is our NGO rewarded ve 8 June 2018[…]

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